Piero Pirupa & Alex Kennon out now on Rebellion
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The invincible forces of Piero Pirupa and Alex Kennon join together to create a potent two-track EP for Rebellion that is poised to cause a stir on dance floors worldwide. The conception of the EP was a spontaneous one for the pairing after Alex found himself in Barcelona for a gig. “I said “let’s do something in the studio together”,” Kennon explains. “We both brought something special to the table and I am very proud of the results.” Piero echoes this sentiment: “We made this EP for fun, Alex was in Barcelona and he asked me to do something and we went in my studio and we did this EP in two to three days”.
The end result of that impromptu session are two powerful pieces of music. Turning uses intricate and plentiful layers of percussion, and an uplifting melodic vocal, whilst title track Vision rolls with the supremely catchy vocal hook that effortlessly glides over its rhythmic, rolling beat that employs an insatiable midway.